When is the Best Time to Get Rid of Wisdom Teeth?

Years or decades later, the wisdom tooth could cause issues again. Some individuals never feel pain or a feeling of overcrowding when their wisdom teeth come out, but there are still many risks. Because wisdom teeth are located far back in the mouth, they become more difficult to clean. Not being able to properly clean your teeth can lead to tooth decay at an early stage. Even when there are no obvious symptoms, it may be wise to remove wisdom teeth to prevent tooth decay before it starts.

Most people have their wisdom teeth removed between the ages of 15 and 25, since the roots of the teeth have not yet had time to fully develop. Because wisdom teeth aren't firmly anchored in the gumline, it's easier to have them removed by a nearby dentist at this stage. The procedure is less complicated and reduces recovery time. In general, extracting wisdom teeth at an early age is preferred because the recovery and outcome are more likely to be positive. Removing teeth before roots form helps prevent impaction, which can lead to complications.

Since the teeth are still enclosed in the gum tissue or bone, it can often be quite difficult to extract them. While it's true that some people never need to have their wisdom teeth removed, most patients will need to have their wisdom teeth removed at some point, according to the American Dental Association. If your wisdom teeth weren't removed when you were a young adult, you'll most likely need to have them removed later on. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and swelling in the mouth and jaw, making it difficult to talk, eat, and open and close the mouth. Wisdom teeth that grow sideways can press on other molars and eventually displace all the teeth and affect the entire smile.

That's why the specialized skills of an oral surgeon are usually required when wisdom teeth are affected. It's never too late to have your wisdom teeth removed; however, dental professionals recommend a consultation between the ages of 16 and 24. But for optimal results, it is best to remove them as soon as possible to avoid possible complications and damage to other teeth. Ignoring wisdom teeth and forgetting this procedure can affect you and your health in several ways. Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth to appear in the mouth, with two on the top and two on the bottom.

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