How Long Does It Take to Extract 4 Wisdom Teeth?

Even if all four wisdom teeth are going to be removed at once, the procedure usually takes an hour. If the wisdom teeth are in a difficult position or unexpected difficulties occur, surgery may take a little longer. On average, it takes 1 to 2 hours to remove all four wisdom teeth at once. The extraction of wisdom teeth is typically a quick process, with most procedures taking about an hour or less.

However, more complex cases may take longer. Impacted teeth that grow at an angle or that haven't fully crossed the gumline may take longer to be extracted than teeth that can be easily accessed. Most patients prefer the convenience of undergoing the procedure to remove all of their wisdom teeth at the same time. As a result, wisdom teeth are generally considered vestigial structures (parts of the human body that have become unnecessary).

Therefore, it is important to make an appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon to have your wisdom teeth removed. When preparing for the procedure, it is important to make arrangements for someone to drive you home after the surgery and provide care for pets and children for the day of surgery. If you plan to have your wisdom teeth removed on a weekday when you have other responsibilities, such as work or school, you're probably wondering if the procedure will last all day. Fortunately, most wisdom tooth extractions can be completed in an hour or less.

Once the wisdom teeth are visible, the oral surgeon will carefully loosen them and lift them out of their cavities, clean the areas, and place stitches. Impacted wisdom teeth (wisdom teeth stuck in the gums or bone) are exposed by incisions, allowing the surgeon to access them properly. Wisdom tooth extraction is usually done with local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on your specific needs. The extraction of wisdom teeth is the extraction of the third molars, the four permanent adult teeth found in the back of the mouth, in the upper and lower jaws.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common oral surgery procedure that can reduce the risk of dental problems. However, wisdom teeth often grow at an angle or become fully or partially trapped (impacted) in the jaw or under gum tissue. The most important benefit of wisdom tooth extraction is that it reduces the risk of future oral health problems, such as gum disease, tooth decay, damage to adjacent teeth, bone loss, and jaw damage. Dental insurance may cover up to half of the extraction of a wisdom tooth when the extraction is considered medically necessary.

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